Cachoeira – Brazil

Tasting notes:
gold kiwi – milk chocolate – muscovado

Suggested for Espresso and Moka

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.



Mantiqueira de Minas

Cocarive cooperative

Arabica variety
Yellow Catuai

1200 masl


Tasting notes
gold kiwi – milk chocolate – muscovado

Suggested for
espresso and moka

Weight :  17 gr
Temperature : 93 °C
Total extraction time : 24-26 sec
Ratio: 1:2,5

Located in the southern part of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Mantiqueira de Minas is a micro-region renowned for consistently producing Brazil’s top coffees. Ideal terrain, elevation, and weather conditions all contribute to the production of unique coffees.

In 2011 the Region obtained the Protected Geographical Indication, thanks to its reputation for producing high-quality coffees.

Headquartered in Carmo de Minas, serving several municipalities in the region, Cocarive stands for the production of specialty coffees promoting the development of the region. It was founded in 1961 and it’s composed of mostly smallholders with 80% of its fazendas smaller than 7 hectares. It is a point of reference in the global specialty coffee community, with its coffees garnering countless quality awards throughout the years.

Coffees are grown between 900 and 1500 masl. The mountainous terroir, with ideal natural conditions and decades of specialty coffee producing practices, have contributed to the production of high-quality coffees. Given the terrain, 95% of the picking is done manually.

Additional information


Roasted Whole Beans 250 gr, Roasted Ground for Espresso 250gr, Roasted Ground for Moka, Roasted Ground for Moka (caffettiera) 250gr, Roasted Whole Beans 1 Kg, Unroasted Green Beans 1kg